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The Mindset
School Podcast
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Easy Listening with a Powerful Message (BC)
Peggy's ability to listen and ask powerful questions makes for an engaging podcast. Her guests are from all corners of the world, diverse in background but grounded in impactful mindsets leading to empowering breakthroughs and testimonies. Highly recommend all episodes!

Great podcast! (D. Tshien)
Peggy has such a thoughtful exploration of mindset and is really helpful in providing practical tools for personal growth. Great podcast!

Powerful, Authentic, and So Smart (Wfivey)
Peggy is one of those people you're just naturally drawn to. She really cares about the people she is called by God to serve. I've never seen someone so adamantly pursue the tools and the knowledge she needs to truly serve her clients! I encourage you to stop and listen! You will be blessed!